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Changing Guard: Racism

by Donald Frye on 04/29/14

Once again, America is faced with another revelation of bigoted racist views. Over a two to three week period have we been privileged to discover the views by two wealthy people, one whose businesses are made up of and supported by minorities, and the other who believes that our government is invalid and cannot enforce laws against him.

Donald Sterling, owner of the Los Angeles Clippers basketball team went on an angry rant with his mistress or girlfriend regarding her association with black people, even though, she herself, is half black. The Clippers owner chastised his girlfriend for posting a photo of her and NBA Legend, Magic Johnson on Instagram. He stated that she shouldn't broadcast to the world that she associates with black people.

Cliven Bundy, a ranch owner in Nevada, whose cattle have grazed federal land for over two decades, refuses to pay grazing fees to the government for use of that land, created a stir when he went on a racist rant about black people being better off as slaves.  Bundy feels that black people picking cotton were happy because they had a job and didn't live off of government subsidy. But, I guess it's okay for him to get subsidies from the government and use tax payer land for free. 

The new NBA Commissioner Adam Silver handed down a stiff punishment to Donald Sterling of a lifetime ban from the NBA and any activities associated with the Clipper organization, along with a 2.5 million dollar fine, which is the maximum allowed by the NBA Constitution. The league will do everything in it's power to ensure Sterling's selling of the team and disassociation with basketball.
As for Cliven Bundy, the jury is still out on what will become of him after supporters like Rand Paul, Sean Hannity, and Dean Heller ran for the hills when Bundy made his racist remarks.

I believe any and all racism should find a swift and speedy demise, and for those who feel the need to continue racist views and actions in a country whose demographic is multi culture, multi racial and united in it's quest for equality, should find another country in which to live, preferably - the moon!!!

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Donald Frye, owner of Ebon Entertainment, has for over twenty-five years traveled the world working with class leading companies and individuals who've help shape policies and conditions that affect world economies. His experiences have given rise to a new outlook on the political landscape of America, and led to his book "Changing Guard of American Politics", which takes a look at the frustrations felt by the average citizen toward it's broken government.
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